Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Chicken Opor

Recipes to Make Chicken Opor - Lebaran soon and menu - delicious food menu is ready to serve: D. Cuisine menu including this one, the chicken curry. Chicken curry is one of the menu dishes that have always been a mainstay at the time of Eid al-Fitr arrives.
Menu dishes this one being one of the favorite because it tastes very tasty and delicious especially served along with free-range or the diamond .. yummiii uenaaak deh. And for those of you who happened to be a big fan of the chicken curry, and want to know how to make it, then the following we will describe the recipe to make chicken curry special for you. Here are the materials - materials that perlua you prepare and how to make a delicious chicken curry and practical.

Recipes to Make Chicken Seasoning Yellow Opor

Making Materials Opor Chicken:

500 g chicken, cut into pieces
200 ml coconut milk
3 potatoes
Btr 4 eggs, poached, fried briefly (until skinned)
600 ml water
1 btng lemongrass, crushed
2 bay leaves
orange leaves if liked
1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
1.5 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1/2 teaspoon pepper
3 knuckles galangal, geprek

Softened seasoning :
6 Btr onion
3 Btr pecan
4 cloves garlic
1 vertebra finger turmeric
2 knuckles ginger
2 pieces of curly red pepper (optional can be used can not)

How to Make Chicken Opor:

The first step, clean the chicken, fry briefly, then remove and drain (If it is less practical, can also directly dicemplungin alone and does not need to be fried first, it's just a matter of habit only: D).
The second step, saute the ingredients that have been previously smoothed until fragrant, then add the lime leaves, lemongrass, bay leaves, and galangal. Then enter the chicken, water and potatoes. Sete; ah it cook over low heat until soft feel small doses.
Next, add the sugar along with salt, pepper and bouillon powder. Then input coconut milk, then stir well and add the eggs. After that cook while you continue to stir-adukagar coconut milk is not broken.
Lastly, taste and taste-fit to your taste. Then lift and serve.
Well, says the brief information that we wish to convey to you the recipe to make chicken curry,

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih min bermanfaat bangat infonya, Oiya izin share yaaaa, siapa tau ada yang berminat
