Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Asam Ikan Gabus (Acid Cork Fish)

Recipes How to Make Asam Ikan Gabus - Speaking of cuisines around the fish fry, one of the typical cuisine of Indonesia (Central Sulawesi) famous delicious is the Asam Ikan Gabus. Sour tamarind catfish cuisine is very tasty, especially if combined with starfruit, lemon and chilli rawit..wihh mantep deh great. Moreover, if you are a lover of culinary fish, it would be very unfortunate if you've never tasted it.

Prescription How To Make Asam Ikan GabusPractical

The process of making Asam Ikan Gabus is relatively easy and not too difficult. Material - the material is relatively easy to find, and if you are curious about the taste and intend to taste, not hurt you to make yourself at home by following practical steps Recipes How to Make Asam Ikan Gabus which we share below.

Recipes Asam Ikan Gabus
Making Materials Asam Ikan Gabus:
3 pieces of cork fish (500 grams), cut into two parts
4 pieces of starfruit (split into 2)
4 cloves garlic (thinly sliced)
5 pieces of red chili sauce, cut menyerong
8 red onions, (Thin slices)
2 stalks lemongrass (download whites only, then crushed)
3 large pieces of red pepper, cut askew
1 red tomatoes (cut to taste)
4 1/2 teaspoon salt
5 lime leaves (boned) and shredded
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1,000 ml of water
2 tbsp oil (used for sauteing)

How to Make Asam Ikan Gabus:
The first step, cork Marinate fish with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of lime juice. Then let stand for about 15 minutes.
Furthermore, the Heat oil. Then sauteed garlic along with onion, red chili sauce, red chili is great, lemongrass and lime leaves until fragrant tasted. Then add the tomatoes. Afterwards stir until wilted.
Lastly, Enter the water along with salt and sugar. Then cook until boiling visible. Then add the fish and cook until cooked cork. Once cooked, add starfruit. Then stir well, then the next fish dishes Acid artificial cork you ready to be served ^^.
Well, so short steps Recipes How to Make Asam Ikan Gabus can we describe to you the recipe article fish this time.

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih min bermanfaat bangat infonya, Oiya izin share yaaaa, siapa tau ada yang berminat
