Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Chicken Fish Typical Aceh Enak

Recipes to Make Chicken Fish Typical Aceh Enak - Cuisine Chicken Catch is one of the typical cuisine from the region of Aceh, and is said eating habits Chicken dishes Fish dishes have become hereditary Acehnese society since the time of their ancestors. Catch Chickens making process is actually not too difficult, but that must be considered is in the treatment process should be used so that the taste of chicken produced later can truly tasteful to the inside and feels a fragrant aroma.

Recipes to Make Tasty Chicken Fish Typical Aceh

Cuisine Chicken Catch these is the right solution when you're bored family and lack of appetite due to the menu dishes are just that it alone and not varied. Catch these and chicken dish is perfect when served with warm rice. Curious to savor and want to know how to make the catch chicken? you can follow the step recipe to make chicken typical fishing Aceh following we have described briefly be easily understood and practiced at home.

Materials to Make Chicken Fish Typical Aceh:

1 whole chicken (preferably chicken)
4 pandan leaf, sliced
8 sprigs of bay leaves Koja (temurui)
1 liter of cooking oil
2 green chilies
1 cup of boiled water

Fine Chicken Seasoning Fish Typical Aceh:

6 cloves of garlic (3 cloves chopped, then another 3 siungnya mashed)
3 shallots
5 pieces of cayenne pepper
1 vertebra thumb (2 cm) turmeric
1 vertebra thumb (2 cm) ginger
1 tsp salt
Air tamarind, to taste

How to Make Chicken Fish Typical Aceh:

The first step, Cut the chicken into small pieces about 24 -30, then wash and if necessary, knead using lemon juice.
Step two, puree all ingredients spices and mix with 200 ml of water matang.Kemudian enter seasoning the chicken pieces into the water and soak for about 10 minutes. After that, heat the oil in a large frying pan until really boiling. Then fry the chicken until lightly browned color. (Try to keep all chickens should be drowned in oil and do not get too coincide with each other, or if you want to be safe do not fry all the chicken at once, but little by little.)
Furthermore, before the chicken is cooked, insert slices of red onion along with Koja bay leaves, green chillies and pandan leaves. Then continue frying until about three minutes. Then, remove, drain briefly, then serve immediately with rice in hot conditions warm.
Well, so a brief review of the recipe to make chicken typical fishing Aceh to us infokan to you.

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih min bermanfaat bangat infonya, Oiya izin share yaaaa, siapa tau ada yang berminat
