Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

to Make Chicken Balado Pandan

Recipes to Make Chicken Balado Pandan - For you fans of the chicken dishes and was bored with the usual fried chicken or shaped crispy, might want to try the chicken refined cuisine of this one. Namely Pandan Chicken Balado. The process of making Balado pandan chicken was fairly easy loh and aroma pandannnya guaranteed to arouse your taste. Want to know Recipes to Make the Pandan Chicken Balado? Let's learn how to create by following the step makes the following Pandan Chicken Balado.

Recipes to Make Tasty Chicken Pandan Practical Balado

Materials to Make Chicken Balado Pandan:

A few pieces of chicken
Red onion
Red chili pepper
Cayenne pepper
Pandan leaves
Lime leaves
Sugar, salt, pepper to taste (seasonings)
leaf lemongrass

How to Make Chicken Balado Pandan:

The first step, crushed red chili seasoning along with chili, garlic and ginger.
Furthermore, along with the pandan leaves sauteed onions (previously thinly sliced), lemongrass leaf until lightly browned. Then do not forget to add lime leaves and spices and seasonings, then stir-fry again until fragrant. Then enter the chicken and stir until it is lightly browned / overcooked and ungkep until the water dries. Then stir once more and after that you made Balado chicken ready to be served.
Now that's a brief review of the recipe to make chicken pandan Balado to us infokan to you.

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih min bermanfaat bangat infonya, Oiya izin share yaaaa, siapa tau ada yang berminat
