Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Make Chicken fritters

Recipes to Make Chicken fritters - frikadel (in Dutch) or so-called cakes is one type of complementary food menu is very popular with the typical savory flavor and crunchy texture. In making cakes, in general all the main ingredients mashed, then combined with the support material and spices and then fried. The cakes there are several kinds of variations, and is best known in Indonesia in general is the corn fritters, potato and cassava know. But the recipe this time we will make other variants of these foods are fritters chicken patties.

Recipes to Make Tasty Chicken fritters Practical

The chicken meatball-making process, is very simple and easy. If you are curious to know how Recipes to Make Chicken fritters and would like to add variation to your home menu, then here is a recipe how to make chicken patties that had we review briefly specifically for you.

Before making the chicken patties, the following are the herbs and ingredients you need to prepare:

1 piece of chicken thighs, poached, remove the bones and chop and puree
¼ onion, sliced ​​very thin
1 leek, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
4 red onions, puree
1 egg
100 grams of bread flour
1 tablespoon of corn starch
the oil for frying
salt and pepper to taste

How to Make Chicken fritters:

The first step, Combine all ingredients in a container together with sago flour and bread flour. Then you stir until smooth, and do not forget to give pepper and salt to taste
Next, form the dough into a flattened round, oval or according to taste, then fried with oil that has been heated until cooked. Then, remove, drain briefly and serve your homemade chicken patties in warm
Well, so a brief review of Recipes To Make Chicken fritters we can share to you today.

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih min bermanfaat bangat infonya, Oiya izin share yaaaa, siapa tau ada yang berminat
