Recipe how to make chicken woku typical Manado - Chicken dishes is one among the most preferred and most commonly found in shops or in restaurants. Chicken meat is very delicious and tasty, the dish was varied. If you are a fan of the chicken dishes menu and was looking for a menu of processed chicken is easy, but tasty and delicious, probably the recipe how to make chicken woku typical of this Manado you can try.
Recipes How to Make Chicken Woku Khas Manado
Materials made of chicken woku Manado:
1 whole chicken (clean and cut into pieces)
1 thinly sliced red tomatoes
2 bunches of basil (leaves only download)
3 leeks (cut into pieces)
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
oil to taste
Stir-fry seasoning:
8 red onions (thinly sliced)
4 lime leaves, remove the leaves back
2 pandan leaf (tie knot)
2 bay leaves turmeric (wash and tie the knot)
Ground spices:
3 pieces of red pepper
15 pieces of red chili sauce
2 segment turmeric
4 eggs hazelnut
2 tsp sugar
1 teaspoon pepper
2 tsp salt
1 teaspoon bouillon powder (optional, can be used can not (terbantung taste))
How to Make a Delicious Chicken Manado Woku Practical:
The first step, if you use the broiler download coarse salt and rub the chicken with the salt until the chicken skin looks clean and rough, then wash and cut the chicken meat.
The second step, sauteed onion and enter along the leaf lemongrass lime leaves, and tomatoes until it fragrant. Then enter the ground spices and stir-fry until fragrant. Then enter the chicken along with the sugar, salt and a little water. Then mix well and cook until the chicken looks half-cooked.
Next, enter the tomato along with basil and chives. Then cook until sauce seasoning seen pervasive and becomes thick and reduced. After that lift and chicken woku your typical artificial Manado ready to be served.
Now what? is not a recipe how to make chicken woku the typical Manado hehe
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