chicken Opor is one type of cuisine that is very popular in Indonesia. This type of cuisine is generally well liked by all the children to the elderly. We usually see a lot of this chicken curry dishes in celebration of religious holidays such as Idul Fitri. For you fans of this cuisine, this time the team will try the recipes typical serving chicken curry recipe special to you. As for the material and how to make chicken curry is as follows:
Chicken curry recipe
Materials and how to make chicken curry village.
Ingredients :
1 whole chicken (cut into pieces according to taste)
2 btng lemongrass
3 cm galangal
1 ltr santa
Salt, sugar, and
Right amount of oil.
Seasoning mashed:
7 bg onion
5 cloves garlic
1 tsp coriander
¼ tsp cumin
¼ grains of nutmeg
1 tsp pepper grains
5 eggs hazelnut
3 cm turmeric.
How to make chicken curry:
The first step, Heat oil in a skillet and then tumislah spices had been crushed, and then add the ginger, bay leaves and lemon grass. Saute the spices tasted sdan stirring occasionally until fragrant.
Step two, Put the chicken and then stir until the spices mixed with the meat and cook until it changes color.
The final step, Pour the coconut milk and add salt and sugar to taste, Once cooked, remove and drain. Well how? easy does not it? 😀
Such special recipe chicken curry from our village, I hope easy to understand.
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