How to Make Chicken Rendang recipe Delicious Practical - Rendang is one of the typical food from Indonesia which is famous as one of the most delicious food in the world. Rendang dishes there are various types, such as beef rendang, chicken, eggs and so on. And at this time of cuisine article we will review the recipes How to Make Chicken Rendang. Rendang chicken is usually a lot and often found in restaurants / stalls - stalls field. If you are a person that included a big fan of the chicken rendang and want to know how the recipe to make it, you can listen and follow a recipe how to make below.
How to Make Chicken Rendang recipe Delicious Practical
Materials Make Chicken Rendang Practical:
1 kg chicken already clean
500 ml coconut milk
2 lime leaves
2 cm ginger (minced
1 stalk lemongrass (crushed)
2 bay leaves
2 cm galangal (crushed)
1 tsp brown sugar (which is combed thin)
salt to taste
cooking oil to taste
flavoring to taste
Subtle seasoning ingredients:
2 large red chilies
1 cm turmeric
3 grains of roasted hazelnut
6 red onions
3 cloves garlic
How to Make a Delicious Chicken Rendang:
The first step, cut the chicken up into 5-8 sections or to taste
The second step, sauteed seasoning ingredients are mashed with cooking oil to taste until fragrant. Then enter the lemongrass along with lime leaves, galangal, bay leaves, and ginger, Then stir until wilted.
Furthermore, Pour coconut milk into pan seasoning before, then let stand until boiling, stirring, stirring. Then enter the chicken pieces into the seasoning, then let stand until the spices to infuse and broth to be shrinking.
Lastly, add 1 teaspoon brown sugar along with salt and flavorings to taste, and stir until well blended and cooked. After that lift and you are ready-made chicken rendang Untik served.
Now what? Quite simple and easy not Recipes How to Make Chicken Rendang tasty and delicious it?
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