- Android native app sometimes upsetting for some people, in addition to reducing kapasasitas internal memory, the application typically rarely used and make it as useless.
- You no longer need to be uncomfortable native Android application. Now, you can remove any default application you do not like the Titanium Backup. To use Titanium Backup, make sure the Android you're already in a state of ter-root. If not, you can read, How To Root All Android TowelRoot type.
- If so, here's how to remove the default application on Android:
- Download Titanium Backup, and then installed as usual on your Android.
- After the install, you can choose which application you want to delete.
- Select the app you want to delete, and select Uninstall.
- After clicking the Un-install, will display a pop-up. Just select Yes to start erasing.
That way you can do to remove the default application. Good luck!
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