Recipes to Make Chicken Seasoning Rojak - Chicken salad seasoning is a chicken processed foods laden with spicy flavor, tender and tasty.
The manufacturing process was fairly easy, so anyone can make at home. If the person you are fond of the chicken included the salad seasoning and want to know how to make it, here is a recipe to make chicken salad seasoning that you can practice your home directly. As for the material and how to make chicken salad seasoning is as follows.
Recipes to Make Chicken Seasoning Rojak
Materials to Make Chicken Seasoning Rojak:
1 medium sized chicken, cut into 4 or 8 pieces (optional)
1 packet Royco Chicken
500 ml coconut milk (or milk from 1 coconut)
2 tbsp tamarind water (dissolved in 1 teaspoon sour with 2 tablespoons of water)
4 lime leaves
Ground spices:
150 gr curly red pepper (or to taste)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
1 teaspoon brown sugar, combed
How to Make Chicken Seasoning Rojak:
The first step, Squeeze the chicken with a little salt, then bake until half cooked.
Furthermore, boiled on the fire a small dose of chicken and all other materials, including materials spices until the chicken becomes soft and condiments look somewhat dried up. Then bake the chicken until cooked along with the marinade that has meresap.Setelah it ayambumbu made your salad, ready to be served.
Note: The chicken was boiled until cooked, baked or can be directly enjoyed without roasted (Di adjust the taste)
Well, so the information we can convey to you the recipe to make chicken salad seasoning.
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