Recipes to Make Chicken curry - traditional Indonesian cuisine that this one is perfect for family served as an atapun as one of the mainstays on the menu when Eid arrives.
The chicken curry tastes good and favors to almost all the good children - children to adults loved it. For those of you who included chicken curry buff and want to know how to make a chicken curry recipe, here are materials - materials that can be prepared and the process of how to make the chicken curry.
Recipes to Make Tasty Chicken Curry
Making Materials Kari Ayam:
½ tail (800-1000 grams) chicken
2 1/2 cm cinnamon
1 tsp salt
3 tablespoons cooking oil
2 stalks lemongrass, white part is taken, and then crushed
125 ml thick coconut milk
700 ml coconut milk diluted
The chili seasoning (puree):
6 red chilies
10 red onions
5 cm turmeric
4 eggs hazelnut
3 cloves garlic
2 1/2 cm ginger
Seasonings Spices (Roasted or puree with a mortar or grinder):
¼ coconut
1 tbsp coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
How to Make Chicken Curry:
The first step, cut the chicken into 12 pieces. then set aside.
The second step, heat the oil over medium heat and saute the chili seasoning, along with cinnamon and lemongrass until fragrant (3-4 minutes). Then Dab spices and stir for approximately 3 minutes. Then enter the chicken pieces and stir until a stiff cock and seasoning look flat.
Next, add the thin coconut milk and salt. Bring to a boil while you stir occasionally (wok should not be closed). Then cook until the chicken becomes tender and the seasoning seen thickens (for 30 minutes). If the chicken has not become soft, you can add a little water, then continue to cook until tender.
Finally, pour the coconut milk and cook while you are stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutes until boiling. After that lift and curry chicken ready to be served.
Well, the recipe so short that we can pass on to the recipe to make chicken curry.
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