Recipes How to Make a Delicious Chicken ingkung Practical
By Ainil On Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 Categories: Chicken Recipes, Recipes Indonesia
Recipes How to Make Easy Delicious Chicken ingkung - ingkung chicken is one of the traditional cuisine of the archipelago (jogja) that still exist today. Formerly, this was ingkung chicken dish is required to provide to the important and sacred events, such as receptions, charity etc. In fact, according to the stories of parents earlier, ingkung Chicken is the most delicious food and well-liked in the past.
Recipes How to Make a Delicious Chicken ingkung Practical
Talking about the process of manufacture, ingkung this chicken is quite simple and not complicated, therefore we believe, even if you are a beginner when it comes to cooking, surely can make it as long as it follows the right recipe to make ingkung the chicken. Curious to know how the recipe? let's see a brief description Recipes How to Make Chicken ingkung mentioned below.
Recipe Chicken ingkung
Making Materials ingkung Chicken:
1 medium sized village chickens
4 bay leaves
1500 ml thick coconut milk
1 stalk lemongrass (crushed)
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 kaffir lime leaves
3 cm galangal (crushed)
1 tablespoon salt
Subtle seasoning ingredients:
1/2 tablespoon coriander Munjung
3 cloves garlic
8 shallots
How to Make Chicken ingkung Practical:
The first step, put all the ingredients, and spices into wajan.Kemudian closed, after it simmer until the spices to infuse small doses.
Furthermore, if the seasoning is already visible pervasive, immediate correction of taste (taste-fit to your taste). If it feels it is considered appropriate and the chicken had already feels soft, immediately lift the chicken and drain (not necessarily in cook until the broth is exhausted)
Lastly, you made ingkung Serve chicken with rice savory / sego tasteful and complementary materials such as pieces of cucumber, tomato and chilli pestle and mortar.
Note: If you do not know how to make sego savory or savory rice, here is the recipe:
Sego Making Materials Savory:
300 grams of rice
2 bay leaves
600 ml coconut milk (1/2 coconuts)
1 stalk lemongrass, (download the white and then crushed)
Salt to taste
How to Make Savory Sego:
Boil the rice along with the bay leaf, salt, lemongrass and coconut milk until mendidih.Lalu reduce the heat, and cook until the milk is absorbed by the rice. Afterwards steamed rice until done.
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