Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Lemper Ayam Enak Practical

Recipes to Make Lemper Ayam Enak Practical - For those of you who like eating donuts, chicken and wanted to know how the recipe how to make and material - any material that is required, the following we will give away the free Recipes Make Lemper Ayam Enak Practical specifically for your food connoisseurs donuts this chicken ,
Here are the ingredients and how to make donuts, chicken:

Recipes to Make Lemper Ayam

Making Materials Lemper Ayam:
200 grams of glutinous rice, (previously soaked for 1 hour after the drain)
1 bay leaf
1 stalk lemongrass, (previously taken and crushed white)
3/4 teaspoon salt
banana leaves to wrap
125 ml coconut milk from coconuts 1/4

Material contents:
2 pieces of chicken thighs on down
500 ml water
1 stalk lemongrass, (which previously had been taken and crushed white)
2 bay leaves
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
100 ml coconut milk from coconuts 1/4
1/2 teaspoon sugar

Ground spices:
6 red onions
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon coriander
3 eggs hazelnut, toasted

How to Make Chicken Lemper:

The first step, making Contents: boiled chicken and water until done. Then, remove the chicken, then suwir-shredded flesh and measure 250 ml of water broth.
The second step, mix chicken, spices, lemongrass, pepper, bay leaf, sugar. and salt, then stir well. After that, pour the broth and cook until boiling. Then pour the coconut milk and cook until it looks pervasive. After the chill.
The third step, steamed glutinous rice for about 20 minutes until deemed mature enough. after the lift
Furthermore, boiled coconut milk, lemongrass, bay leaves and salt until boiling. After that turn off the heat, then add the glutinous rice and cook until absorbed. Then lift and steam approximately 30 minutes until cooked.
Lastly, take a little sticky. then pipihkan. Then put the contents. and shape into an oval (or to taste). After the wrap with banana leaves and donuts homemade chicken you are ready to serve.
Thus Lemper Ayam Delicious Recipes to Make Practical recipes typical version of the team,

1 komentar:

  1. Makasih min bermanfaat bangat infonya, Oiya izin share yaaaa, siapa tau ada yang berminat
