Recipes to Make Pepes Chicken Sundanese Enak Practical - For you fans of heavy foods spiced chicken, specially spiced chicken Sundanese and want to know how to make it, so on this occasion we will try to present a recipe Make Pepes Chicken Sundanese Enak Practical specifically for your food connoisseurs this.
Here are the ingredients and how to make spiced chicken Sundanese:
spiced chicken Sundanese
Materials and Pepes Ayam Bumbu Sundanese:
¾ kg of chicken meat, cut into pieces according to taste
1 bunch basil leaves, picking leaves
800 cc of water to boil
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
banana leaves to wrap
Softened seasoning :
5 cloves garlic
2 tbsp coriander
10 grains of walnut
½ teaspoon nutmeg
salt and seasonings to taste
2 finger turmeric
Seasonings are sliced:
3 red onions
1 leek
2 red chilies
2 stalks lemongrass
How to Make Chicken Pepes Sundanese:
The first step, Mix spices with chicken and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, then stir well. Then enter the seasoning ingredient slices and basil leaves and stir - stir until well blended. then after that wrap with banana leaves.
The second step, boil water in a pan, then enter the meat that have previously been wrapped in banana leaves, then cover the pan. Then cook until boiling water looks low.
Furthermore, after the cooking water already looks a bit dry, then enter the 2 tablespoons vegetable oil in order after cooking water dried, wrapped in banana leaves used as a parcel spiced chicken in nonstick skillet.
Lastly, Lift spiced chicken, and serve while warm.
Thus Pepes Chicken Recipes Make Delicious Practical Sundanese cuisine recipe version of the team, hopefully easy to understand and practice at home.
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